What's Your Supplier Diversity Challenge?
We Don’t Know How to Create a Supplier Diversity Program
We offer three basic approaches all written by the same authors:
Consultant Led supplier diversity program services (customized co-led by consultant and the appointed supplier diversity lead).
Supplier Diversity in a Box (customer led) which is an online, virtual supplier diversity program approach.
Consulting retainers for those companies that
have new employees leading an existing supplier diversity program
want to enhance their program, boost the proficiency of the program leadership, and/or realign the program direction.
Option 1: Supplier Diversity in a Box is a customer-led program
You provide a dedicated team
Your team is accountable for implementation
We provide all the tools you need to create and manage your new program
We provide office hours to review and answer questions
Option 2: Consultant-led program
We create a custom plan
We advise, support and co-lead your efforts in implementing the program
We advise you every step of the way, with guidance on what to do and how to do it.
We ensure accountability for progress and success
Option 3: Consulting retainer
Purchase blocks of hours to suit your needs